Our Veterinary Service

Pet Fear Free

Our veterinarians are focused on putting practises in place that are intended to reduce any anxiety that your pet could have while undergoing treatment.

Pet Fear Free

Our doctors are focused on implementing procedures that are meant to lessen any worry that your pet could feel while receiving medical care.

A Fear Free Animal Hospital is what exactly?

Our goal is for your pet to enjoy coming to Parkview Animal Wellness. We employ strategies as a Fear Free animal hospital that are intended to enhance every patient’s overall experience. Our vets are putting stress-reduction techniques into practise for your pet. Parkview Animal Wellness is aware that every one of its patients is different, thus we must adjust to meet their individual requirements. Making your pet as stress-free as possible during their visit to the vet is the goal of each Fear Free practise.

What are a few instances of Fear Free techniques?

Parkview Animal Wellness wants every pet to have a positive experience when visiting our facility, from grooming to microchipping.

Here are some further instances of Fear Free techniques used at Parkview Animal Wellness:

Canine patients

We give out a lot of yummy treats and a lot of love.
We talk with soft calm voices.
There are soft comfortable pads on exam room tables.
We recommend that all patients bring in a fecal sample rather than trying to collect a sample during your visit.

Feline patients

Our office has a cat-only exam room with a scale to weigh patients.
We always try and limit wait time in the lobby.
We have a Feliway diffuser that releases feline pheromones throughout the facility, so cats feel safe and secure in the exam room.
Our technicians practice petting cats rather than holding/restraining.