Our Veterinary Service

Pet In House Cytology Analysis

Cytology is used to look for indications of bacterial or yeast infections in the ear canals or on the skin’s surface.

Pet In House Cytology Analysis

We utilise cytology to look for signs of bacterial or yeast infections on the skin’s surface or in the ear canals. This entails taking surface skin samples from a slide, staining them, and examining the results under a microscope. Cytology can be used to determine the type of cells in a skin mass, search for signs of ringworm and auto-immune illnesses, and examine the patient’s hair texture when there is hair loss in addition to diagnosing infections. This kind of sample gathering and testing can improve diagnostic understanding and help create a more individualised diagnostic and/or treatment plan for your pet. To ensure accurate findings, we do our cytology testing on-site at our clinic and provide precise reporting. We are able to deliver results faster than clinics that rely on off-site laboratories because we provide this service on-site.